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Looking for a tenant for your property?

You have found us, you don't need to do any more. During our time, we brokered hundreds of rentals in Pilsen, Prague and other cities. Thanks to our knowledge of the real estate market, we will advise you on the pricing of the rental, provide professional photography of your property and, together with advertisements on the largest Czech real estate platforms, we will ensure that your property has no shortage of buyers! In addition, we check each potential bidder's creditworthiness so that you don't have any unecessary issues instead of a seamless lease. And speaking of unnecessary issues, in addition to arranging the lease itself, we also offer the subsequent management of your leased property. All matters such as rent payments, defects, complaints or inspections are then dealt with by us for you.

How can we help you with your

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We advertise your property on the largest advertising websites and platforms.

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We will take care of all legal requirements  such as lease agreements, deposits ...

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We provide professional photography to increase the attractiveness in advertisements.

Quality presentation

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We stay in constant contact and we consult with you every tenant.



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